Rajagiri Journal of Social Development
<p><strong>Rajagiri Journal of Social Development (Print ISSN- 0973-3086,E- ISSN -2583-7087)</strong> a peer-reviewed bi-annual journal was launched at the time of the golden jubilee celebration of the Rajagiri College of Social Sciences in 2005. The purpose of the journal is to disseminate field-based and field-related knowledge in the area of social development. The journal benefits both academicians and practitioners who are interested and involved in programmes and activities of social development. <strong>The Journal is indexed in</strong> - <em><strong>Proquest (Indian Database, Social Science Database, Social Science Premium Database, Proquest Central, Sociology Collection, <span lang="EN-GB" style="font-family: Arial,sans-serif; color: black; background-image: initial; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial;">Proquest SciTech Premium Collection</span> ) and EBSCO Sociology Source Ultimate database.<br></strong></em></p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt;"><strong>*Format of Publication –(Print) ISSN - 0973-3086,E-ISSN -2583-7087<br></strong></p> <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt;"><strong>*Number of Issues Per Year-2</strong><strong><br> *Print Frequency -Half-Yearly</strong></p> <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt;"><strong>*Month(s) of Publication -June and December</strong></p> <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt;"><strong>*Medium of publication -English</strong><strong><br> *Year of starting -2005</strong></p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p> </p>en-US[email protected] (Saju M D)[email protected] (Support Team)Thu, 06 Feb 2025 05:20:22 +0000OJS Efficiency in Maize Production among Small-Scale Farmers in Batticaloa, Sri Lanka
<p>Maize is largely a subsistence food under promotion for ensuring food security and<br>it is also the source of income for small-scale farmers in rural areas. The study of<br>technical efficiency directs small-scale farmers, especially small-scale farmers in<br>Koralaipattu North Division who tend to underutilise or over utilise some of the<br>factors of production, to compare the expected potential yield with the actual yield.<br>Therefore, 100 maize farmers were randomly selected as respondents from among<br>150 farmers for the study to estimate the technical efficiency of maize and its<br>determinants in Koralaipattu North, DS division from December to March 2022.<br>Cobb Douglas, Stochastic frontier production function was applied to identify the<br>impact of each input on maize production and the findings revealed that log forms<br>of the inputs such as land size, labour hours and fertiliser significantly affected the<br>maize production in this study area. Further, the findings indicated that the mean<br>value of technical efficiency was 78%. The inefficiency effect model indicated that<br>the coefficient for farmers’ experience, education, farm income and credit assistance<br>were statistically significant and negative which reduced the technical inefficiency.<br>The findings of the study suggest that government should initiate programs to<br>exchange the farm experience among the community and promote farmers’ education<br>which encourages the adoption of new farming techniques and management.<br>Further, providing additional income and credit facilities improves the efficiency of<br>maize farming and their income in the future</p>Ravinder Rena
http://605161.sklu.asia/index.php/rssJ/article/view/728Thu, 06 Feb 2025 04:04:34 +0000Understanding Quality of Life of Patient with Tuberculosis: Findings from Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India
<p>All around the world, tuberculosis (TB) is still a serious public health issue. Finding<br>out the quality of life (QoL) of tuberculosis patients in the Andaman and Nicobar<br>Islands is the main goal of this paper. This cross-sectional study was conducted<br>from July 2021 to December 2022 in seven tuberculosis units. The quality of life<br>(QoL) was assessed using the EQ-5D-5L scale. We used descriptive statistics, logistic<br>regression, and the chi-square test. Pulmonary TB was more common among males.<br>More than half belonged to middle socioeconomic status. Pulmonary TB was higher<br>among males at 70%, whereas extra pulmonary TB was higher among females at<br>60%. Multivariate regression shows that the age group 46-55 (OR=0.1; 95% CI 0.0-<br>0.5; p<0.01) was less predictive of higher QoL compared to patients aged 18-35 years.<br>Patients with depression had a lower probability of having a higher quality of life<br>(OR=0.1; 95% CI 0.0-0.2; p<0.01) when compared to non-smokers and those who<br>had not experienced depression. This study provides valuable insights into the<br>intricate interplay between alcohol use, demographic factors, and the QoL among<br>TB patients.</p>Senthil S, Kanaga G
http://605161.sklu.asia/index.php/rssJ/article/view/729Thu, 06 Feb 2025 04:11:19 +0000An Empirical Analysis of Transnational Migration and Post-Study Decisions of Kerala’s Educational Migrants
<p>As the migration of students from Kerala goes on unabated, the current paper<br>focuses on the factors that motivate students to migrate. Migration decisions of<br>students to a certain extent are influenced by their aspirations to take advantage of<br>better employment prospects in the destination country. This is obvious from their<br>post-study plans which in turn depend on the push factors especially those relating<br>to bleak employment prospects and poor quality of lives in their home state. Poststudy decision plans of the students are also inextricably linked to their choice of<br>destination country. Those who have emigrated to the United Kingdom and the<br>European Union have expressed their preference to stay back in their host country<br>to further their career prospects and enjoying a better quality of life. Contrarily, those<br>who have emigrated exclusively for securing higher education in countries like China<br>and Russia prefer to return to their home state. Amongst the emigrant students<br>who prefer to remain abroad, the majority are aspiring first-generation learners from<br>urban areas belonging to low-income families. This establishes the role of<br>unfavourable local conditions in determining the post-study decisions of emigrant<br>students.</p>Kavitha A C, Parvathy P
http://605161.sklu.asia/index.php/rssJ/article/view/730Thu, 06 Feb 2025 04:15:38 +0000Inclusive Development and Persisting Challenges: Mapping the South Indian Story
<p>The South Indian pattern of development is receiving much attention in the recent<br>times not just for its achievements in development indicators, but also for the politics,<br>displayed by the region until the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. This study examines<br>the development trajectories of five South Indian states, namely Kerala, Tamil Nadu,<br>Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. It compares the selected socio-economic<br>indicators to assess how far the case of South Indian model of inclusive development<br>can be accepted. These states give us the demonstration of the back-and-forth<br>linkages of human development and economic growth. It also looks at the persisting<br>challenges faced by these states in its development trajectories. Another common<br>challenge faced by the South Indian states is regarding the centre -state fiscal<br>transfers which have a punitive impact on better performing states. This paper is<br>based on secondary data, namely the NITI Aayog reports, National Family Health<br>Survey 2019–2021 and RBI’s Handbook of Statistics on Indian states</p>Ann George
http://605161.sklu.asia/index.php/rssJ/article/view/732Thu, 06 Feb 2025 05:01:03 +0000Assessing MOOC Courses and its Impact on Sustainable Development among Higher Education Teachers
<p>In order to improve teachers’ performance on technological advancement in higher<br>education institutions, this research aims to better understand the MOOC Courses<br>and their impact on sustainable development among higher education teachers.<br>Through the use of an online questionnaire with two scales and identification<br>questions, this study adopted a quantitative methodology. 145 respondents were<br>chosen at random from the workforce and management of these institutions to<br>make up the sample. The results gathered via the questionnaire were examined with<br>statistical tools like descriptive statistics and SEM Model. Teachers from both private<br>and government sector colleges are taken into consideration as a sample for this<br>study. According to the findings, 76 of them are male and 89 are female; also, the<br>majority of the respondents range in age from 20-30, who happen to total 59, which<br>clearly shows that the teachers are in the early stages of their careers. Adapting<br>MOOC Courses is facilitated by the habit of self-development and an inner drive<br>to learn something new. However, inner drive alone cannot have an impact. The<br>teachers’ skill gap prevents the inner urge to adopt MOOC Courses and results in<br>their inability to learn through a new medium. It is vital to advocate for the<br>involvement of teachers who will lead the change process in the implementation<br>processes in order to boost the productivity of institutions.</p>Manoj Kumar, J. Senthil Velmurugan, M. Suryakumar
http://605161.sklu.asia/index.php/rssJ/article/view/733Thu, 06 Feb 2025 05:07:08 +0000Customer Practices in SBI’s Green Initiatives: Societal Impacts in Central and Northern Regions of Kerala
<p>The banking industry is increasingly recognizing the imperative for sustainable<br>and environmentally responsible practices, fostering the rise of “green banking”<br>(GB) as a key component of financial operations. The State Bank of India (SBI)<br>has demonstrated a proactive approach in implementing GB principles,<br>underscoring its commitment to corporate social responsibility and sustainable<br>development. This study investigates the factors that influence customer<br>adoption of green banking services (GBS) and explores the relationship between<br>customer awareness and the adoption of these services within SBI’s customer<br>base. By leveraging a robust data set, this research identifies key determinants<br>that impact customer engagement with GBS, providing insights into behavioral<br>patterns and awareness levels that affect the utilization of green banking products.<br>The findings offer strategic implications for SBI, guiding the design of targeted<br>marketing and educational initiatives to enhance awareness and adoption in the<br>central and northern districts of Kerala. These insights not only support SBI in<br>refining its outreach and engagement strategies but also contribute to the broader<br>discourse on sustainable banking practices in emerging economies.</p>Akhila K H, G Nedumaran
http://605161.sklu.asia/index.php/rssJ/article/view/734Thu, 06 Feb 2025 05:11:41 +0000Understanding Consumer Behavior Toward Electric Appliances: A Social Perspective
<p>The purpose of this study is to examine the factors influencing consumer<br>behavior towards eco-friendly electric appliances. Design and Methodology–The<br>study is conducted on the basis of primary data collected from 300 consumers of<br>eco-friendly electric appliances in Coimbatore District. The sample respondents have<br>been selected on the basis of systematic random sampling from the list of customers<br>obtained from the dealers of eco-friendly electric appliances. The statistical tools<br>like percentage analysis, ANOVA, and multiple regression analysis have been<br>employed to analyze the data using SPSS 22. Findings–The findings of the study<br>indicated that consumer behavior towards eco-friendly electric appliances has been<br>influenced positively and significantly by environmental concern, cultural and social<br>factors, and product experience. However, consumer awareness has made a significant<br>influence on consumer behavior. Implications–The results of the study have indicated<br>the factors influencing consumer behavior towards eco-friendly electric appliances.<br>The manufacturers of eco-friendly electric appliances could draft suitable policies<br>for the product design and marketing of these products. Originality–The present<br>study is conducted among the consumers of eco-friendly electric appliances in<br>Coimbatore District. This study contributes to the available literature in the field of<br>consumer behavior</p>N Gurumurthy, D Kumaresan
http://605161.sklu.asia/index.php/rssJ/article/view/735Thu, 06 Feb 2025 05:18:42 +0000